The Ajeet Pal Foundation has applied for tax exempt non-profit status {501(c)(3)}. We are waiting from the IRS for confirmation but are still able to accept donations at this time. We expect to recieve confirmation on our non-profit status before September and are allowed to collect up to $5000 before being taxed. Unless we are denied status (which we are told is unlikely) your contribution will be deductable on your 2001 filing. We are not, unfortunately, able to accept corporate matching funds until our status is confirmed.
Anyone wishing to contribute should print out the donation form, fill it out and send it along with your donation to:
Ajeet Pal Foundation
616 NE Fargo St. #106
Portland, OR 97212

Use the right hand portion of the form as your reciept.
The Ajeet Pal Foundation will under no circumstances release this information to anyone.